Results for : Zoya Ghazala Bay

Zoya North Coast Resort: Ultimate Relaxing Vacations

Life is tiresome? Filled with problems and responsibilities? Maybe it would be best if you had a relaxing vacation. But just one...

Zoya Al Sahel – The North Coast Pearl

Have you heard of the newly found pearl Zoya Al Sahel at Alex Matrouh Road? Zoya has a full view of Ghazala Bay’s...

Zoya Bay El Sahel – A Piece Of Heaven

Are you ready to discover one of the best resorts that lie in the North Coast? It's Zoya Bay El Sahel. Zoya Ghazala...

Zoya North Coast Chalets – Where Your Happiness Awaits

Have you been looking for your happiness? It has been looking for you too at Zoya North Coast chalets. Located in the serene...

Zoya LMD Project – More Than Just A Resort

Have you been to Ghazala Bay before? If yes, you must have seen Zoya LMD Project located directly on the shores. Zoya is...

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Park Central Prices, Master Plan & Location: Your Full Guide

Have you heard about the exciting new project called...

All About Setting Up a Dressing Room – Nawy

Are you thinking about adding a dressing room to...

Nawy & Shark Tank: When Giants Meet !

Whether you are a fan of Shark Tank Egypt...

Ras Banas Deal: All What You Need to Know – Nawy

Did you hear or see news circled recently about...

ZED Park: The Young & the Adult Magical Space

Magic splendidly diffuses with fresh air in the heart...