The Groove Project

The Groove Dar Misr – Out Of The Ordinary

The Groove Dar Misr isn't an ordinary resort, it's a unique masterpiece offering a one-of-a-kind vacation experience between the mountains…

9 months ago

The Groove Ain Sokhna: For Those Who Want to Feel Refreshed

Step right up, fellow stress-escape artists! Are you tired of the daily grind, the never-ending to-do lists, and the never-enough-time-in-the-day…

9 months ago

The Groove El Sokhna – A Hidden Gem

Congratulations! You have found the hidden gem, Groove El Sokhna, on the Red Sea coast. It's a top-class resort that…

9 months ago

The Groove Project: Break Free from the Everyday

Picture this: you're lounging on the soft, warm sand, with the salty breeze gently caressing your sun-kissed skin. You hear…

9 months ago

Everything You Need To Know About The Groove Sokhna

With exquisite sea views, an ideal location less an hour from Cairo, and luxurious tranquil experiences, The Groove is where your…

9 months ago