IL Monte Galala

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With New Year's Eve approaching our calendars, many people...

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El Monte Galala Ain Sokhna Resort , Climb The Sea Shore.

When you hear the word mountain and climbing combined with the word vacation. The first scene that you imagine is a dessert...

Monte Galala El Sokhna .. Outstanding Luxurious Units !

Monte Galala El Sokhna is a great compound located in the heart of galala in Sokhna; Il Monte Galala is developed by...

Il Monte Galala Egypt .. Your Perfect Oasis!

Il Monte Galala Egypt is located in the heart of the best place in Egypt. Il Monte Galala Compound is one of...

Monte Galala Sokhna – Premium Properties For Sale

Il Monte Galala Sokhna Resort is a year-round destination that offers you a unique vacation experience. The resort features a wide range...

Tatweer Misr Sokhna | Find Your Perfect Home here!

Tatweer Misr Sokhna "Il Monte Galala" is a beautiful tourist city located on the shores of the Red Sea. Enjoy stunning views...