A Content Writer who is a huge believer in Dead Poets Society's quote: No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.

مقالات من تأليف : Nouran Samy

Amara Project New Cairo: Masterplanned to be Serene

Amara Project New Cairo is all about authenticity, creativity, and innovation; aiming to deliver us a project that would let us live...

Properties for Sale in Lugar Zayed: Units Reflecting Authenticity

There are units for sale in Lugar Zayed, a place whose concept lies ‘beyond the notion of a place to live’. When William...

New Plan Amara: Where the Luxury Offered is Trustworthy

Green and Blue, are two reposeful colors, combining to surround the house you pick for your next chapter. New Plan Amara is...

Lugar New Zayed Prices: A Gateaway to Luxury

Luxurious lives aren’t so unreachable right now, but finding the one that suits you the most is the most important aspect. Lugar...

A tour around Taj City New Cairo Properties

Known for being a fully integrated community, Taj City New Cairo properties are settled inside a compound that is more of a...