Telal Shores Sokhna Price
Telal Shores Sokhna Price range is a frequently asked question among potential buyers and investors. We are here to answer all your questions regarding the price range for the properties and give you some information about Telal Shores resort itself.
The price range for properties in Telal Shores Sokhna varies depending on the type of property, size, and number of bedrooms inside. Now let’s dive deeper into the details.
Telal Shores includes a variety of property types to suit all preferences, including twin houses, townhouses, chalets, and standalone villas.
While the price range in Telal Shores El Sokhna depends on many factors as mentioned before like size and number of bedrooms we can say that the average prices start from 4,890,000 Egyptian Pounds and have a maximum price of 25,830,000 Egyptian Pounds.
Now let’s list some of the properties available for sale in Telal Shores.
The resort includes a range of chalets and standalone villas varying in size, number of rooms, and budget as follows:
Standalone Villas
Please note that the prices of the available properties are constantly updated. For the latest updates on the price list, please check out Telal Shores listings.
After listing some of Telal Shores Sokhna prices, you should have found the answer to your question regarding the price range.
Now let’s get to know more about Telal Shores itself.
Telal Shores El Sokhna is one of the few resorts that offers a perfect blend of luxury and natural beauty. It’s situated along the pristine shores of the Red Sea, giving you stunning views of crystal-clear waters and majestic mountains around.
The developer of Telal Shores, Roya Developments, established the project across 88 acres, keeping in mind the owner’s comfort in everything. So, they focused on providing a variety of recreational activities that you can indulge in, whether you prefer a tranquil environment or an active lifestyle, you will find what you’re looking for.
Also, there is a variety of world-class facilities to let you experience an unforgettable vacation such as a clubhouse, swimmable lagoon, and more.
Did we mention that Telal Shores Ain Sokhna lies in an ideal location like no other?
The location of Telal Shores Sokhna on the Red Sea gives it a unique advantage, as guests and homeowners can enjoy stunning views of crystal-clear waters and vibrant marine life while still being close to many important destinations.
Telal Shores lies only:
Excited to be one of the homeowners of Telal Shores? Contact Nawy through WhatsApp and one of our consultants will get in touch with you in no time.
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