Dome Marina ResortAin Sokhna

Find Your Smart Home in Egypt | Nawy

Find Your Smart Home in Egypt | Nawy
smart home

What comes to your mind when we say the word ” a smart home”? Is it the easy seamless and flexible interaction with your home? Or is it the use of the mobile phone to turn on the air conditioner for you before you reach your home to find it cool and crisp?

The smart home concept and smart technologies have a recent and wide scope, including many concepts and definitions that are usually misunderstood or underestimated by many people.

That is exactly why this article will take you through all the major concepts surrounding the smart home concept; their meaning, why use them, and the smart home concept in Egypt. Keep reading this article and you will get to understand all about it.

What is a Smart Home?

A smart home is one that depends on smart technologies and makes use of fast technological advancements for the sake of offering an easy seamless, and flexible life for the residents of such homes.

A smart home is usually created when you use home automation systems and techniques by connecting all the smart devices through wifi over a smartphone or a specific smart home management system. The thing that is usually done is to help you monitor and control your home even when you are away.

As an example of smart home automation, you can find front smart door locks, smart lighting, smart security camera systems, smart universal IR remote controls for TVs and air conditions, smart curtains or smart shutter switches, smart LED and bulbs for entertainment systems, and appliances, temperature control, smart home security such as smart access control and automated alarm systems.

For instance, smart home appliances and devices such as refrigerators, and washing machines can be programmed, controlled, and monitored to execute their tasks remotely so that you go home and find your laundry done and your oven on and ready for your next bake when you get home after a long day.

Smart TVs for example will seamlessly connect to the wifi and bring you whatever content you want to see. The Smart lighting systems detect number of the occupants and adjust lighting accordingly as well as adjust it according to your mood as well as the smart bulbs auto-regulate themselves according to daylight activity.

The smart thermostats allow you to regularly monitor and regulate your home’s temperature while you are away to return home and find it the way you want it. Smart door locks and garage door openers make it easier for users to open the doors via voice commands voice controls and recognition techniques.

Smart cameras and sensors enhance your home security systems by identifying the differences between the residents and the visitors or strangers. While the smart pet and lawn care help you regulate feeding and watering times even if you are away.

Now that you understand what a smart home is and how it works, you are probably asking yourself “Are smart homes worth it and do we need a smart home at all?”. So, let us give you an answer to that question in the next section.

smart home
smart home

Benefits of A Smart Home

Having a smart home or even transforming your home to a smart one through home automation technology is of great benefit for you in both the short and long runs. Let us explain why through the following points:

  1. Thanks to energy optimization systems embedded in all smart technologies(such as smart bulbs that reduce electricity based on the number of room occupants and daylight), you can use energy more efficiently and stay sustainable.
  2.  Better security thanks to smart gates, smart locks, smart cameras and sensors, and face recognition techniques.
  3.  Voice Control and integration come as a result of the smart use of digital assistants the thing that enables you to enjoy hands-free control of various home devices and systems.
  4. Personalized comfort that results from your ability to customize every detail in your home just as you need it and like it.
  5. Improving your health and wellness thanks to the thermostats that work on identifying air pollutants.
  6. Easier maintenance pipeline; smart devices in smart homes self-diagnose themselves offering a lower repair cost and a quicker fix process.
  7. Time and resources saving, if you can get home after a long work day and find your launch cooked and ready thanks to your smart oven, then you saved your time and your resources.

By now, you know what a smart home means, you understand the peace of mind it brings, and you know the benefits of choosing to have your home smart but, don’t you want to know where can you find this smart home concept in Egypt? Let us tell you in the next section.

Smart Home in Egypt

The smart home concept in Egypt is available by either buying your home smart or transforming it into a smart one via home automation technology.

In Egypt, you can find smart homes for sale in many compounds and we mention the below as an example of them:

In fact, there are many more compounds featuring smart technologies in smart homes in Egypt in addition to the ability to easily transform your home into a smart one.

Get Your Smart Home Now!

You now understand what a smart home is, how to own one or transform yours into one, what are the benefits of such homes and where you can find them in Egypt. It is time you took action and bought yours now.

Thanks to Nawy‘s website and mobile application, getting your smart home is now easier than ever.

Just fill in the below form to contact Nawy’s property consultants team who will help you find your new smart home with all the specifications you dream of.

Don’t forget that thanks to Nawy Now, you can immediately move and pay later.

Also, with Nawy Shares, you can easily choose to invest in any unit.

We hope you find your smart home easily and quickly.

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